NOTE: $50 Price is for Confirmed ONPASSIVE Founders ONLY - Not a Founder yet? Secure YOUR position HERE!
DISCLOSURE: SamMiCor A Better LifeStyle WebDesign is not a service of GoFounders/ONPASSIVE

Home page: 2,000 words (Including Header and Footer).
Logo: Free if you provide ($15 if we create)
Videos: 2 videos (you provide URL).
Additional videos $5 (you provide URL)
Background: Motion / Still / Solid Color - YOUR choice (one page).
Additional pages - same image $10 ea / different image $15 ea
Animated text: 2 animations included for the Home page.
Up to 20 words
Must specify text
Additional animated text $5 per animation
Hyperlinks: 2 hyperlinked text per page.
- Up to 20 words
Must provide the text
Must specify the page or site to link to
Must specify if the link propagates on the "current window" or a "new window"
- Up to 20 words
Still Images:
If you provide:
2 images per page
Additional images $5 per image
Horizontal: 400 - 600 pixels / 72 DPI (JPEG)
Thumbnail: 100 - 200 pixels / 72 DPI (JPEG)
If we provide:
$10 small (thumbnail)
$15 medium (up to 1/4 page)
$20 large (up to 1/2 page
$25 full-page
Reviews: 2 reviews per page (firm).
Each page will be made available for review as completed
3 days to review each page
Lead-Time: 3 to 5 Days Lead-Time per page (from date of project acceptance by SamMiCor).
Ownership transfer: (Wix account required).
Must provide the following info:
- Wix email address
Contact Page: $35
Additional pages: Priced upon review of the information provided.
What We Will Need:
Have a Wix account (a Free Account will do).
Provide the email address you use to log into Wix (for site ownership transfer)
Provide your Registration link (located at the bottom of your Dashboard page)
Provide a picture of yourself (or with your partner) for your Home page (optional)
Provide a short bio (optional)
Your domain name
Do you have a logo you would like to use?
If not, would you want us to create one for you? The cost is $15 (You will get 3 samples to choose from)
If you would like to have a specific OP video, make sure you provide the URL.
We will let you know if there is anything else we need once we start to build your SamMiCor WebDesign personal custom website (we never create two the same).